Welcome to David Lee's STEM Mentoring
~ for you or your child ~
Mentoring and tutoring of students and adults for 30+ years
Princeton BSE in Engineering-Physics, Caltech MS/PhD in Applied Physics
Teaching of physics, engineering and math for 20+ years (Gordon College, previously at Caltech and Biola University)
Physics: high school (including honors, AP Physics B or C), any college level physics courses, lab skills
Math: all high school math including AB/BC/vector calculus, linear algebra, diff eqs
Engineering: Intro to Engineering, Statics, MATLAB and Python
Maker/DIY mentoring in 3d-printing, metalworking and electronics
Individualized help for your child, or learn something new yourself!
For more information: info@dslSTEMmentor.com
Located 20 miles north of Boston